Our News

02 May 24

The permaculture vegetable garden at Mas des Figues, our project carried out this year, is entering the production phase

In parallel with our organic conversion for the production of olives for our olive oil, we have initiated a permaculture vegetable garden project.

The search for a fair balance between our environment, what exists, and our need to cultivate.

This is a slow process, unlike current agricultural production methods.

We produce quantities relative to our needs: no intensive overproduction which generates surpluses

We select local, diversified plantations, which complement and interact with each other, and seasonal: we wait until the crops are mature to harvest, without using external forcing methods, no chemical fertilizers.

A choice of plot was made based on:

its location: close to the house for the harvests

ofits orientation,

of its sunshine,

its location in relation to the prevailing winds

its access to watering water which has been rationalized to drip and as the plantations are mulched, watering is less frequent. We grow high up when possible to promote natural shading of the soil.

The plantations are not in rows, but according to companionships.

We cultivate above the ground so as not to exhaust the soil's resources. The plantations follow one another, replace each other over the seasons, the plants at the end of the cycle serving as a nutrient for the following young plants.

Never leave the ground bare, so as not to have to intervene to remove the proliferation of unchosen plants,the earth is not dug, it is simply aerated.

We favor the ecosystem that already existed in the plot (the species of plants and insects), and complete it with a selection of auxiliary and complementary plants, some of which are wrongly considered weeds even though they are useful. We use our green waste to make compost which is reused in this plot.

16 Feb 21

Rediscover nature in Provence

Horse riding in the Camargue

Manade de Méjanes

  • Horseback ride: Departures every day at 10am and 2pm - 1h30 ride - € 30 / person

Very limited number of places - Reservation required at

  • Pony rides for the little ones: per 15 '- 1 parent per pony - 5 € / quarter of an hour

Without reservation - More information at

  • Petit Train de Méjanes: Departures every day at 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. - Ride of around 30 '- € 7 / adult and € 5 / child from 5 to 10 years old

Without reservation - More information at

  • Local products kiosk open: sale of rice, Camargue salt, tasting of charcuterie ...

More information on

Le Petit Train de Méjanes and the kiosk are not equipped to accept credit card payments. Check or cash only.
A small take-out meal will be offered by the restaurant La Bergerie de Méjanes. Information on +33 4 90 54 19 66.

Reminders: wearing a mask is compulsory. Thank you for respecting the barrier gestures.

Contact: Amandine ALCAZAR
Manade de Méjanes
04 90 97 10 10
amandine.alcazar@mejanes.frThis domain has obtained the authorization of the sub-prefecture to open our activities from Saturday February 13, 2021 and this during all French school holidays.

The Alpilles Natural Park with hiking, mountain biking, climbing circuits ...

consult the website of the tourist office https://www.alpillesenprovence.com/loisirs-dans-les-alpilles/

Download the "Paths of the Parks" application on your smartphone to find hiking and cycling tours in the Alpilles.

• For Apple users: application on the App Store

• For Android users: application on Play Store

* A road bike circuit allows you to take a nice ride:
St Rémy Maillane - Eyragues - Verquières –Molleges - Eygalières - Le Destet - Maussane - les Baux - Val d'Enfer - St Rémy

* Cycle paths:
from Cavaillon to Apt:. Calavon cycle route-greenway
From Beaucaire to Pont du Gard.
From Arles to Port Saint Louis du Rhône Via Rhona.
From Beaucaire to Sète.

In February: the rise of Ventoux…. There is snow!

Bike rental companies are in Saint Rémy de Provence and can deliver the rented bikes directly to the Mas des Figues on your request.

Nature activities to do as a couple or as a family:


An outing with Alpilles Aventure is an opportunity to share more than a moment of sport. Climbing and all the supervised rope activities are sporting supports to discover the heritage offered to us by the Alpilles and the region. "Living nature" is a slogan and an intention: signatory of the European charter for sustainable tourism and committed for years with the Regional Natural Park of the Alpilles, obtained the Marque Parc label

17 Apr 18


03 May 23


Very beautiful excursions by this heat it is the bathes that attract

For a first excursion

Collias: Walking along the Gardon, It must be properly shod, the walk is as long as everyone wants the most of this ride is swimming in the Gardon it is a delight The water in June is at 18 or 19 degrees Ne not to forget the detour by the Pont du Gard

The second spectacular excursion:

The throats of Toulourenc. It is necessary to go up the river bed in the river: Shoes that go in the water obligatory This excursion is not possible if there is too much water in the river. Refreshing swim In addition to the village of Vaison la Romaine and Seguret.

The third excursion, an enchantment

In the gorges of Sautadet at the foot of the village of Roque sur Ceze in Gard, beautiful village. It is splendid and unique as landscape.A magical swim in these gorges (Shoes to go in the water recommended)

Here are three excursions for the day!

A day in Saint Remy de Provence

Saint Remy de Provence, a small town in the Regional Natural Park of the Alpilles, invites you to discover its riches: culture, heritage and festivals. In the Provencal capital of the art of living where Nostradamus was born, you will find: gastronomy, local produce, olive oil, wines and vineyards, crafts, the Provençal market, artists, beautiful shops and art galleries, walks and nature hikes, the places painted by Van Gogh, the Roman archaeological site Glanum, Saint Paul de Mausole

A day in the Alpilles

The Alpilles are a must in Provence: harmony of sublime landscapes, wild nature and preciously preserved traditions. Picture of Provence inland, it is authentic Provence with style and refinement. This is the country of writers Alphonse Daudet and Frédéric Mistral.

Holy Sixt Chapel

Careers of Lights

Alphonse Daudet's mill

Abbey of Montmajour

Saint Gabriel Chapel

A day in Gordes, Roussillon and the South Luberon

Rousillon: Ochres, Colorado Provençal way technicolor The earth is red flaming, orangey place. Sometimes she pulls on the yellow or even the green and with the setting sun, she turns to dark purple. Ocher color the landscapes of the Luberon. Following the retreat of the sea several million years ago, the accumulated limestone deposits were transformed into ocher sand under the effect of torrential rains. Ocher was first used for rock paintings, then rediscovered at the time of the Revolution and marketed for a century throughout the world for its unalterable coloring properties. Natural pigment, ocher is now back in force, giving life to many activities, affecting painting, decoration, pottery and building.

Gordes: the village of Bories


A day at Isle sur le Sorgue, Fontaine du Vaucluse:

Follow the white water from Fontaine-de-Vaucluse and its mysteries to Isle-sur-la Sorgue, capital of antique shops. Between Mont-Ventoux and the Luberon hills, the river Sorgue, a clear water, winds from Fontaine de Vaucluse, its resurgence at Isle sur la Sorgue, "Venice Comtadine" became capital of China.

Fontaine de Vaucluse, this "Vallis Clausa", gave its name to the department, Vaucluse. Here, at the foot of a fig tree that seems to watch over this mysterious spring, the water gushes out of the ground in the spring, in a quivering foam that creates rainbows in the sun; in summer, it is a deep and dark abyss that one discovers, and the fig tree reveals its roots, like a gold digger, digging the earth in search of a richness that hides in depth ...

In Isle sur la Sorgue, change of scenery. The Sorgue sings in the dawn wheels, along the canals reminiscent of Venice, and where we sometimes cross nego chin, these "Provencal gondolas".Follow the quays, and you will find on the way the stalls of antique shops, which this small city is one of the European capitals.

Canoe ballads on the sorgues


Art and Antiques, Isle-sur-la-Sorgues

Fontaine de vaucluse, guided tours

A day in Avignon and Villeneuve

Avignon, city of the Popes: Capital of the festivals, medieval city with the confidential and picturesque streets.

Who did not survey the Papal Palace, the Pont St Bénézet or immersed in the tumult of theater festivals in July, did not enjoy a holiday in Avignon! Arriving in Avignon, gateway to PACA, by the banks of the Rhone, the Palace of the Popes and Notre Dame des Doms stand out against the blue sky. In the distance, the Pont St Bénézet defies the rage of the Rhone, which once had half of this building!Avignon, medieval walled city, was also "Vatican in Provence" the time of 7 popes and 2 anti-popes who left their home, the Palais des Papes, in memory of their cultural influence in Europe. Today, the two festivals of Theater, The Avignon Festival and Avignon Off, make the city of the Popes every year the capital of the theater in France, and perpetuate the cultural history of the city.

Villeneuve lez Avignon

A day in Châteauneuf du Pape


A day Arles and the Camargue

Arles: its monuments: Amphitheater, Ancient Theater, Baths of Constantine, Cryptoportiques, Alyscamps, Saint Trophime Cloister

Magic of a country with preserved natural spaces, fragile sanctuary of an exceptional fauna and flora in Europe, protected by the Regional Natural Park of Camargue, it is a unique landscape.It is also as a natural space of global interest that Arles is classified by UNESCO as World Heritage of Humanity. Located between the two arms of the Rhone (it is a delta: the big Rhône to the southeast, the small Rhône to the southwest) the Camargue is a vast wetland of about 100,000 hectares, the largest in the world. France and also one of the most secret. It is divided into three distinct zones: crops in the north of the delta, salt marshes in the west and east and lagoons in the south. The Camargue, it is also a territory made by the man, who shaped the space with notably the containment of the two arms of the Rhone and the sea, and the development of an adapted agriculture like the culture duriz and the salt harvest. He succeeded in controlling the exchanges between the fresh waters of the Rhone, the saline waters of the Mediterranean and the lands of the delta. A hundred or so manades are devoted to the breeding of horses and bulls Camargue.Le horse is primarily the companion of the gardian but also its working tool.The Camargue is also an ornithological sanctuary since nearly 400 species of birds have been recorded including the flamingo, which is the symbol of the Camargue birds. You have to take the time to explore the Camargue by following marked pedestrian or cycling trails or riding a Camargue horse, which is an ideal mount for equestrian tourism. CAMARGUE, RANKED BIOSPHERE RESERVE BY UNESCO.

A day at the Pont du Gard and Uzes

Gard's Bridge


A day at Mont Ventoux:

Mont Ventoux ... A colossus of 1912 m. At the first green foothills made of vines and forests, this lunar landscape is replaced by a tower with its white and red antenna, which houses a telecommunications network and a weather station. A bald mount overlooking Provence and from which, in good weather, you can see the Mediterranean to the south, the great peaks of the Alps to the north. He gave his name to this terroir with wines, truffles, the cherry of the Monts de Venasque, the Carpentras strawberry ...stretching at his feet, from Vaison-la-Romaine to Carpentras, from Bedoin to Sault.

Classified Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO,

a paradise for cyclists

A day in Aix en Provence

City of Cézanne

Museums and art centers

Terroirs and know-how: calissons, santons de Provence, olive, Aix wines